I figured I would toss this out to the list to see if anyone else might have some sage advice... I'm trying to get MythTV running on Fedora Core 8. I have tried MythDora, but that is built on FC6 and the scheduling service has changed since then, so I am hoping for MythDora 5 to come out soon. My hardware can handle the workload and I am using a Hauppauge 350, which I am trying to get the TV-Out working on. As it is, I just get a big bright green screen. I am still wrestling with it. Anyone on here have experience working with MythTV that wouldn't mind taking me under wing on this one until I get it running? In the mean time, I am just pouring over a bunch of docs - some I understand, some I don't. I figure this would be a great little project to learn Linux, I could appreciate a mentor on this one.