Hash: SHA1

Jon Schewe wrote:
> Eric F Crist wrote:
>> On Nov 12, 2008, at 5:59 AM, Jon Schewe wrote:
>>> I've got an old gpg key that I'd like to revoke, but forgot the whole
>>> password and didn't keep a revocation cert around. Anyone have any
>>> suggestions for an automated way to try a sequence of passwords against
>>> gpg and figure out which one it is? I remember portions of the password
>>> so I can narrow it down to about 1000 attempts.
>>> Thanks.
>> Simple shell script with a while loop would do the trick.  If you have
>> something you encrypted, simply run a command to decrypt that file,
>> trying all the possible passphrases.  Check the exit code for gpg
>> after each run.  When you get a 0, you've found your code.
> I started down that path this morning, however I can't seem to figure
> out how to automate passing the password to gpg. I figured I'd use
> expect, but gpg *always* uses pinentry, so I loose the ability to use
> stdin/stdout to communicate the password with gpg.

There are python and perl modules for GnuPG that allow you to use it
programmatically, including passing in a password programmatically.  The
python module is called GnuPGInterface, it was based on the perl module
(by the same author I believe)

I can provide you with sample code if you want.  Contact me off list.
(I pretend to be a python programmer for my day job)

- --

Josh Paetzel

PGP: 8A48 EF36 5E9F 4EDA 5ABC 11B4 26F9 01F1 27AF AECB
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
