On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Raymond Norton <admin at lctn.org> wrote:
>>> I am looking over pfsense now. In your experience is there an issue with
>>> requests coming in on one interface, returning via the default route
>>> (different interface)? I see some mention of it on their docs, and not
>>> having set up a multi-wan firewall before, I am not sure if it will be
>>> an issue,.All traffic will return to the same ISP gateway (I think).
> PfSense was the answer! (Thanks Donovan). I put 5 nics in a box, and set
> three as WAN interfaces. I was able access my laptop, using  port 3389,
> from two different public IPs on the PfSense box.
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Awesome!  Glad it worked.  If you ever want a fun project, there's a
lot of nifty stuff going on under the hood via PHP.  It's pretty easy
to tweak beyond even it's already numerous capabilities.

Donovan Niesen