On Mon, 30 Aug 2010, Daniel Taylor wrote:

> All of the people whom I've worked with directly that had a preference 
> for emacs were programmers rather than admins. I know this by 
> observation and dealing with their requests to have working emacs on 
> their systems.
> While there are obviously programmers with a preference for vi, I would 
> say that they are likely the exception (as are programmers with a strong 
> preference for emacs) with the majority of programmers working in an IDE 
> that provides many of the features emacs has been noted for in a more 
> accessible format.
> I have known of no admins with a strong, sustained preference for emacs.

That admins would use vi makes a lot of sense to me.  If that were my job, 
I'd know vi.

I hired a programmer a couple of years ago to do some Ruby on Rails (RoR) 
programming.  A lot of the RoR people use Macs and TextMate, but TextMate 
is non-free and it doesn't run on other platforms, so I encouraged him to 
stick with emacs.  He did that and he found all the Ruby and RoR modes and 
other options that made emacs really work for him.  After he stopped 
working for me directly (we still work together), he started using Eclipse 
(free software license but not GPL compatible).  I assume that helps him 
with version management, but I haven't used it myself.  I guess he doesn't 
use emacs with Eclipse, but what editor is used with Eclipse?  How 
different is that editor from emacs or vi?
