Circling back to the topic of what is or is not allowed with your FIOS
connection, and running your own basement datacenter...  before you get too
excited repeat after me:

"I will read the Service Level Agreement and Terms of Service".

What you will likely find is that consumer-broadband is usually burdened by
ToS that does not allow you to have anything other than port 22 open.  EVEN
with a static address.  And there is a good chance they WILL port-scan you,
and they reserve the right to port scan you.

MAYBE your Terms of Service are more lenient - I certainly hope so.  But if
you want to host your own web-services or even run a commercial website out
of your basement legally, you may well have to upgrade to a
commercial/home-business plan.

In summary, read the fine print.  And enjoy your phat pipe. ;)  I just
switched my company's outbound link to fiber and enjoyed downloading the
latest Ubunto ISO at 1.4Megabytes/second.  It reminded me of my first Mac SE
w/ a 20 megabyte hard-drive.  The I/O was so fast I would copy files around
just to watch the progress bar on the file-copy dialog zip across the
screen.  Ah, memories. :)

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