On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 05:54:54PM -0500, Jon Schewe wrote:
> On 09/25/2010 02:47 PM, Scott Raun wrote:
> > I lucked into a couple of bigger hard-drives (as in, larger than any
> > of the disks I've currently got in the system).  I don't have enough
> > open drive-bay space to just add them.  I can add one at a time.  I'd
> > like to move my boot drive to one of the new drives, and then pull the
> > current boot drive, working my way through. I've currently got:
> >
> > hda (~120 MB)
> > hda1 holds /
> > hdb (~500 MB)
> > hdb1 holds /home
> > hdd (~20 MB)
> > hdd1 holds swap
> > hdd2 holds /spool
> >
> > So, I want add what will be hde, make it bootable, copy everything
> > from hda to it (preserving permissions, users, etc.), take out hda &
> > boot from hde (maybe hde now becomes hda?), etc.
> >
> > Anyone have a pointer to a How-To?
> >
> >   
> Pretty much just copy data and then setup grub.
> for each partition:
>   mkdir /new/partition
>   cd /partition
>   find . -print0 | cpio -0pmd /new/partition # if you have acls on your
> filesystem you'll want to use pax instead of cpio, I can get you that
> commandline too

I don't have anything beyond basic rwxrwxrwx permissions, but I do
have those. It doesn't look like cpio will preserve them?

I haven't had to deal with this on a Linux box before - will I need to
deal with any open files issues? Per ps -ae, I've got the following
processes running at the moment:

acpid           dovecot         init            kthreadd        rpc.mountd
afpd            dovecot-auth    kacpid          lockd           rpc.statd
aio/0           emacs           kacpi_notify    mailmanctl      rsyslogd
apache2         events/0        kblockd/0       migration/0     smbd
ata/0           exim4           kgameportd      mutt            sort
ata_aux         famd            khelper         nfsd            sshd
atalkd          getty           khubd           nfsd4           su
bash            hald            kjournald       nmbd            udevd
CMD             hald-addon-acpi kondemand/0     papd            uniq
column          hald-addon-inpu kpsmoused       pdflush         watchdog/0
cron            hald-addon-stor kseriod         portmap         winbindd
cupsd           hald-runner     ksoftirqd/0     ps
cut             imap-login      ksuspend_usbd   python
dbus-daemon     inetd           kswapd0         rpciod/0

Some I know I don't have to worry about - emacs, sort, uniq, ps, cut,
and column are all due to this e-mail message. I should be able to get
rid of most of the k* processes by changing to a lower run-level - I
never use X on this box anyway. The rest? I know I can manually shut a
bunch of them down (apache2, the imap stuff, probably cups, exim,

> done
> grub
> grub> device(hd0) /dev/hde
> grub> root(hd0,0) # if boot is first partition on drive hde
> grub> setup(hd0)
> grub> quit
> shutdown
> pull other drives and make sure hde is now first drive to BIOS

Scott Raun
sraun at fireopal.org