Eventually that application must do an exec, so you could wrap that exec
with some logging - if you wanted to hack the source.

Or....even better, wrap all of your binaries that might be run from gnome
with a script that does some logging and then execs the real binaries.

Those approaches aren't guaranteed to give the same result.  Which approach
is best depends on the question you're really asking:
Who is running binary X and when are they doing it?
Who is choosing these options from the GUI in gnome?

If you wrap the binaries, then it doesn't matter how the binaries are run -
you'll see the invocation.


On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Josh Trutwin <josh at trutwins.homeip.net>wrote:

> Does anyone know if a log entry is created anywhere when a user launches an
> application from the gnome menu so I can gauge how much certain applications
> are used?  Yes I have to worry about launched from a terminal as well but
> many users don't know what a console is.
> My google-fu isn't working for me today...
> Josh
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