I'd like to apologize to anyone I've offended (and Bob, I hope you
took my jab in good fun). It seems to me there are a wide range of
expectations for what this group is and is not about. For me, it's a
group of like minded people with regard to how we use computers. That
is, we're all Linux users. We're involved with Linux culture, and also
with Internet culture.

Flamewars are a part of Internet culture. Especially flamewars about
text editors and operating systems. I personally think it's both
awesome and ridiculous how they can get going, how they can inflame
passions, and how they can sustain themselves. I hope everyone looks
back every now and then, after the flames die down, and note what an
odd phenomenon it is that we engage in.

As far as TCLUG, what is this group for, if not to commune as Linux
users? Do we ever have meetings anymore? When was the last time we had
a beer meeting? The last meeting I went to was a long time ago, right
after VIM6 was released. The topic was VIM, and I remember someone
gave a great presentation in which I learned a lot. I'd love to see
this sort of thing again, where those of us who are passionate about
certain things, whether it be a text editor, low level c++ code, or
Taylor Swift, can make a positive contribution and share what we know
or what we're doing as a group. People behave much more adult-like in

Anyway, it would be nice, but maybe those days are behind us. As far
as the email list goes, I like to joke around -- especially with
people who think like I do, and who might get some of my jokes. And if
I ever tease someone directly, I do in the hopes (and with the faith)
that they're cool enough to handle it. So I hope people aren't taking
things too seriously on here... please know that I'm not, and feel
free to take a jab at me whenever you want.


PS to the two people I referred to above (c++ and Taylor Swift), I
think what you're doing is awesome. Sincerely.

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Isaac Atilano
<aristophrenic at warpmail.net> wrote:
> The best to you Justin.  I too am leaving this mailing list. I am put
> off by what I see are patronizing responses to your posts.
> Your posts have been interesting and I can't say I see things the same
> way as you but I don't want to be in a community where I feel I could be
> patronized for my views.
> Goodbye to the rest of you.
> _______________________________________________
> TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
> tclug-list at mn-linux.org
> http://mailman.mn-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/tclug-list

Erik K. Mitchell -- Web Developer
erik.mitchell at gmail.com
erik at ekmitchell.com