I like Erik's idea about getting things going again for meetings and 
would be interested in a beer or other meeting during the work week. I 
think the last time I went to one was 3+ years ago, it's been way too 

As for the getting offended, it's never happened to me, I just stop 
reading threads that get out of hand :) All people I've encountered on 
TCLUG are relatively nice, albeit weird at times.

*Jeremy MountainJohnson*
jeremy.mountainjohnson at gmail.com <mailto:jeremy.mountainjohnson at gmail.com>

On 01/19/2011 04:50 PM, Erik Mitchell wrote:
> I'd like to apologize to anyone I've offended (and Bob, I hope you
> took my jab in good fun). It seems to me there are a wide range of
> expectations for what this group is and is not about. For me, it's a
> group of like minded people with regard to how we use computers. That
> is, we're all Linux users. We're involved with Linux culture, and also
> with Internet culture.
> Flamewars are a part of Internet culture. Especially flamewars about
> text editors and operating systems. I personally think it's both
> awesome and ridiculous how they can get going, how they can inflame
> passions, and how they can sustain themselves. I hope everyone looks
> back every now and then, after the flames die down, and note what an
> odd phenomenon it is that we engage in.
> As far as TCLUG, what is this group for, if not to commune as Linux
> users? Do we ever have meetings anymore? When was the last time we had
> a beer meeting? The last meeting I went to was a long time ago, right
> after VIM6 was released. The topic was VIM, and I remember someone
> gave a great presentation in which I learned a lot. I'd love to see
> this sort of thing again, where those of us who are passionate about
> certain things, whether it be a text editor, low level c++ code, or
> Taylor Swift, can make a positive contribution and share what we know
> or what we're doing as a group. People behave much more adult-like in
> person.
> Anyway, it would be nice, but maybe those days are behind us. As far
> as the email list goes, I like to joke around -- especially with
> people who think like I do, and who might get some of my jokes. And if
> I ever tease someone directly, I do in the hopes (and with the faith)
> that they're cool enough to handle it. So I hope people aren't taking
> things too seriously on here... please know that I'm not, and feel
> free to take a jab at me whenever you want.
> -Erik
> PS to the two people I referred to above (c++ and Taylor Swift), I
> think what you're doing is awesome. Sincerely.
> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Isaac Atilano
> <aristophrenic at warpmail.net>  wrote:
>> The best to you Justin.  I too am leaving this mailing list. I am put
>> off by what I see are patronizing responses to your posts.
>> Your posts have been interesting and I can't say I see things the same
>> way as you but I don't want to be in a community where I feel I could be
>> patronized for my views.
>> Goodbye to the rest of you.
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