I guess I'm a few minutes late.  Sorry if you missed it...


In Bash:

date -d "$(date -ud "1 Jan 1970 + 15000 days")"

That should give the proper local time for this event.

Even better (I wrote this, so I don't know if it's the best way to do it):

(( for i in $(seq -w 0 40) ; do echo -ne "${i}000 days before 1 Jan 1970\t" ; \
date -d "$(date -ud "1 Jan 1970 - ${i}000 days")" ; done ) | tac ; \
for i in $(seq -w 40) ; do echo -ne "${i}000 days after 1 Jan 1970\t" ; \
date -d "$(date -ud "1 Jan 1970 + ${i}000 days")" ; done ) | \
perl -pe 's/^0/ / ; s/ 0000/    0/'

I'm going to try to be there for May 11, 2060, but I doubt I'll make it (8 
days before my 102nd birthday).
