I'm attempting to set up a website on port 8001 of a new Ubuntu 12.04 
box (LAMP). I have verified apache is listening on that port via grep 
and telnet. However, if  I attempt to browse to it from another box, by 
IP or fqdn:8001, the browser is redirected to port 80. I did not 
knowingly install any type of proxy on the box and do not have IPTables 
running. Any ideas what might be intercepting the request?

If I enable port 80 in ports.conf , I get a message "Apache/2.2.22 
(Ubuntu) Server at server Port 80", after attempting to reach the site 
via http://fqdn:8001, or http://ip:8001

This is what I have for config files:

NameVirtualHost *:8001
#Listen 80
Listen 8001

Sites-enabled: Default
<VirtualHost *:8001 >
         ServerAdmin webmaster at localhost
         servername x.domain

         DocumentRoot /var/www
         <Directory />
                 Options FollowSymLinks
                 AllowOverride None
