On Thu, 16 May 2013, Tony Yarusso wrote:

> On Thu, 16 May 2013, Paul graf wrote:
>> Mike have you ever used 'opendiana' I am curious about that operating 
>> system as well as 'Solaris'.
> I tinkered with OpenIndiana for a weekend once.  It essentially is 
> Solaris for the post-Oracle-takeover world unless you feel especially 
> inclined to shell out your money to Oracle.  I can see how they'd be 
> attractive to organizations already running Solaris stuff, but honestly 
> I don't see any reason to choose it over Linux for anything new.  ZFS is 
> somewhat interesting, but not interesting enough for me to use a 
> different platform.

For me one of the biggest issues was with software availability and 
packages.  When I started using Solaris (really SunOS) there was no Linux, 
and in my line of work Solaris was pretty popular so people made sure 
their code could compile on Solaris or they'd make binaries available. 
Over the years, that has changed completely so that now Linux is the one 
to use and Solaris takes a back seat or worse.

It also turned out that many Solaris utilities (fmt, awk, sed, date, sort) 
were massively inferior to the GNU versions or had serious bugs (that were 
not fixed after years of waiting), so we were always using the GNU 
versions on Solaris and calling them by a different name (e.g., gfmt, 
gawk, gsed, gdate, gsort).
