It was a pain to figure things out, but now that I have done it, I would definitely recommend this machine. It seems like everything is working in Ubuntu 18.04. The wifi was tricky, though, and it didn't just do grub without some intervention -- I didn't have to make any software changes, just a very thoughtful selection in the boot process. With dual boot there's a trick with the system clock -- I want to use UTC in Linux and have it use the time zone to display local time. The trick is to use UTC, and make a reg edit in Windows to tell it to use UTC also, but you have to also tell Windows not to use internet time updates. I'm mostly using Ubuntu, so that works for me. One little issue -- it's pretty easy to accidentally hold down the power button. I set it to "do nothing" in Ubuntu, but it still kills the power to the system if you hold it for 5 seconds. The button is in the middle of the left side. I was just looking at some photos in tablet mode (works great) when I rotated the screen to the left to look at a photo in portrait mode, but I held down the button for 5 seconds. Oops! I'll probably learn not to do that, eventually. Boot times starting from power-on are very fast: Ubuntu 15 seconds to login, 23 seconds to Gnome desktop Windows 20 seconds to login, 28 seconds to desktop That's the total time from hitting the power button to having the Gnome desktop fully loaded and ready. That's including passing through the Grub screen and the Gnome login screen. 23 seconds. I'm sure the SSD helps. So I'm kinda loving this laptop. Mike