On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 11:41 PM Rick Engebretson <eng at pinenet.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but if you do a web
> search "linux howto nfs" you might find this
> https://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/NFS-HOWTO/preamble.html
> The old "howto"s might have other networking ideas for you. If you have
> a man page reader nfs.5 and also some manual listings in volume 8 might
> help. Suse linux pro used to include the html "howtos" in the disk set,
> as well as nice man page readers, like tkman and tkinfo, and even pdf
> books on networking. And included easy set-up tools.

Thank you very much for the pointers!!
> I don't think "localhost" is the best network name to choose, however.
> It is already used, and might confuse.

Great - - - thanks.
> I played with nfs many years ago, but it got silly talking to myself. So
> now I blink led light bulbs on fancy wired and programmed microcontrollers.

Well - - - - have started working on such as well - - - - not looking
to make lights
go blinky though - - got other ideas in mind.

Thanks for the ideas!!!!