I have two questions:<br>
1. Does mailman add [tclug-list] to the subject automatically? The last
time I asked a question it was not in the subject, I put it there
manually this time.<br>
2. I am using the following commmand:<br>
find ${TARGET} -type f -user ${USER} -mtime +1 -o -mtime 1 ! -name 'LogCleanup.list*' -exec gzip -f {} \;<br>
This will find files in $TARGET, owned by $USER, which are not named
LogCleanup.list*, and have not been modifed in the last day or before.<br>
Correct? I am little ify on the -o command as I feel like it should be:<br>
find ${TARGET} -type f -user ${USER} ( -mtime +1 -o -mtime 1 ) ! -name 'LogCleanup.list*' -exec gzip -f {} \;<br>