Thomas Eibner <thomas at> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 04:49:26PM -0600, Nate Carlson wrote:
> > $59 for a RG-1000. Wow!
> > 
> > I just ordered three.. two for me, one for Carl.
> What exactly is it a RG-1000 is?

an RG-1000 is an access point that uses an Orinoco Silver card, so it
supports 128-bit WEP.  It's what my roommate should have bought instead of
his Linksys WAP11, I guess.

On that subject, does anyone know if there is an incompatibility between
the Linksys WAP11 and the Orinoco Silver card?  My roommate hasn't been
able to get WEP working, though he's just using Windows XP's native
drivers for the card.

 _  _  _  _ _  ___    _ _  _  ___ _ _  __   It's not a tuber!
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[ Mike Hicks | | mailto:hick0088 at ]
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