On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 01:23:40PM -0500, Chris Elmquist wrote:
> This was on Slashdot today...
> http://online.securityfocus.com/news/552
> Wi Fi Honeypots a New Hacker Trap
> War drivers beware, the next wireless network you tap might be part of an
> elaborate sting.
> By Kevin Poulsen, Jul 29 2002 1:00AM
> Hackers searching for wireless access points in the nation's capital may soon
> war drive right into a trap. Last month researchers at the government
> contractor Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) launched
> what might be the first organized wireless honeypot, designed to tempt
> unwary Wi Fi hackers and bandwidth borrowers and gather data on their
> techniques and tools of choice.
> [...]

This sounds great, from the article it sounds like he's merely trying to
monitor what people do with it (DoS, spam, or legitimate internet access
such as web surfing etc). The article claims that since he set it up 
June 15th, he's only had a single ping sweep of the network, and people
trying to surf the web.

I think this will go a long way towards getting rid of the '(c|h)acker'
stigma that seems to have leeched over to 'wardriving'. 

> -- 
> Chris Elmquist   mailto:chrise at pobox.com   http://www.pobox.com/~chrise

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