I read the add that it was just $59.99.  If you find a mail in rebate, let me 
know, I wouldnt mind getting that either. 

If you can figure out the SNMP thing without their windows app, I would like 
to hear about that too. I tried looking all over for something.  Even a port 
scan dosnt show anything open on it.  


On Tuesday 20 August 2002 09:24 pm, Austad, Jay wrote:
>  I just picked one up.  It's supposed to be $59.99 after a $30 mail in
> rebate, but it's ringing up at $59.99.  So if I can find the rebate thing,
> it would be only $29.99.
> It took me awhile to get it working.  I was trying to use WEP and it wasn't
> working at all.  Any ideas on getting WEP to work with an Orinoco Gold?  I
> upgraded my drivers and firmware, but still no luck.  So I'm not using WEP
> right now, but I've enabled the MAC address permission list thing on the AP
> to prevent others from hopping on.
> Unfortunately, initial config of the unit must be done through the USB port
> with some wacky winders program, which was kind of annoying.  Further
> config can be done via the snmp util that comes with it, but I think I saw
> a gnome or kde based util specifically for these awhile back.  I just have
> to find it.
> Jay
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew S. Hallacy
> To: tcwug-list at tcwug.org
> Sent: 8/20/2002 6:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [TCWUG] looking for a WAP
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2002 at 03:40:38PM -0500, Jay Kline wrote:
> > On Tuesday 20 August 2002 1:25 pm, Austad, Jay wrote:
> > > Anyone have a used WAP they want to get rid of cheaply?  If not,
> I'll just
> > > grab a $100 Dlink one somewhere.
> >
> > Office Max has the Dlink 900AP for $60 on sale this week.
> This would be a great chance for those of you without AP's to purchase
> one.

Jay Kline