On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 10:52:06PM -0500, Mike Horwath wrote:

> > cisco 2500/2600 == $hundreds
> > P75+zebra == $dig_under_your_couch_cushions
> okay, and how do you plug in the T1 in that P75?

With a $250-$350 PCI WAN card of course!

But then, you could find a used router for that much, I think a $COMPUTER
will be fine for thing such as access points, but border routers should
actually be.. routers.


Unless, of course, you have a better way.

> -- 
> Mike Horwath           IRC: Drechsau         drechsau at Geeks.ORG
> Home: 763-540-6815  1901 Sumter Ave N, Golden Valley, MN  55427
> Opinions stated in this message, or any message posted by myself
> through my Geeks.ORG address, are mine and mine alone, period.

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