I am in for option #2....I have a couple directionals
and a couple omnis to lend to the cause.  I am all
cisco on my end...let me know what the next steps are
and how I can help.


--- Andy Warner <andyw at pobox.com> wrote:
> It was fun to put a face & voice to some
> of the names on the list, and meet some
> lurkers at last night's meeting. Thanks
> to everyone that came along, and special
> thanks to Steve for his catalytic properties.
> Last night I volunteered to kick off a thread
> or two here for people interested in building
> one or both of the following:
> 	1. A metro-wide network, capable of
> 	   moving bits independant of existing
> 	   wired networks.
> 	   The goal is to create a stand-alone,
> 	   free, network capable of moving large
> 	   numbers of bits around the Twin Cities;
> 	   including areas where broad-band is not
> 	   a viable option.
> 	   This network may host services such as
> 	   ftp servers, gaming servers, etc etc.
> 	2. Coordinated hot-spot deployment.
> 	   The goal is to provide wireless Internet
> 	   access throughout the Twin Cities. Upstream
> 	   connection from the hot-spot to the Internet
> 	   may be wired or wireless. Provide a common
> 	   authentication interface, and standardised
> 	   client configs.
> Can we get a roll-call of people interested in
> contributing
> time, know-how, bandwidth, enthusiasm, <whatever> to
> groups
> working towards each goal ?
> If people want to answer to the list, or to me
> unicast, I'll
> tabulate the replies. Then each group can go about
> (re)defining
> and attacking their problem as they see fit. I'd
> like to see
> as much content as possible stay on this list, just
> so everyone
> can learn, and so we don't make little ivory towers.
> I'll kick things off by saying that I would like to
> play in sandbox #2 to begin with.
> Questions/complaints -> me.
> -- 
> andyw at pobox.com
> Andy Warner		Voice: (612) 801-8549	Fax: (208)
> 575-5634
> _______________________________________________
> Twin Cities Wireless Users Group Mailing List -
> Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
> http://www.tcwug.org
> tcwug-list at tcwug.org

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