On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 04:14:31PM -0500, steve ulrich wrote:

> however, i know that i would really appreciate some information on
> GPSs.  i'm looking for a GPS for myself and i would appreciate any
> info that people have on their experiences with the garmin etrex
> products, especially in conjunction with gpsdrive. 

I've used all of the eTrex units (except for the cheapest yellow one)
with linux, they're all pretty much the same except for built-in memory
for downloading maps, and the Vista (my current unit) has a built in 
barometer and electronic compass (instead of relying on movement to
figure out which direction is north), they all work fine when put into
NMEA mode with gpsd, which is what gpsdrive uses. (gpsd is a GPS 
multiplexing utility that allows programs to connect to a TCP port instead
of locking up the GPS unit to one program at a time)

> -- 
> steve ulrich                       sulrich at botwerks.org
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