> That's why we, as the originators of a community wireless network should
> the first to plop down equipment and refuse to budge. The business
> have lobbies in Washington. We <don't>.

So - we're pretty much stuck with what we've got available.

> Cooperating with the business community on access to networks and site
> locations for APs is a legitimate concern. Spectrum allocation? Let them
> to the next FCC auction.

Here's a reality check for you - the wireless spectrum that we're working in
is open to everyone.  That means that a business
can legitimately 'plop' down equipment near ours and create a noisy
environment for the end users.  If I remember correctly, this is already
happening somewhere else - Seattle??  Someone else probably knows what I'm
talking about.

If we don't want to work with them _ahead_ of time, there's a much lower
chance that they're going to work with us after they've invested in
equipment, AP sites, etc...  The Spectrum has been allocated - nothing in
our budget range (=$0) is going to affect that.

> > I want to be able to have a cross
> > section of public and private experts in wireless be able to help
> > the efficient use of spectrum.
> To whose benefit?

Ours.  If we don't work together, and this is something that highly
technical people seem to have major issues with, we going to be a small
interest group with no realizable goals - it's all just dreams of electric
sheep that don't mean anything in the long run.

> >
> >>> #4: Promote the use of ham radio, and ham clubs.
> >>
> >> Immaterial.
> > Immaterial for you, but one of my long-term goals.
> >
> > - -ben
> Your personal long term goals and those of a community wireless network in
> the Twin Cities are not the same. Amateur Radio already have packet
> on their spectrum. Let them use theirs. We'll develop our own.

I could be wrong, but I believe that wireless is dependant on radio waves,
and without the technical knowledge that Amateur Radio operators bring to
the electronic table, our efforts never be anything more than surfing
wireless A/P's at coffee shops.  Long range radio, especially at this end of
the spectrum, is a heavy technical challenge that takes real world
experience - something that most Ham radio people have gotten through the
hobby that they love.

I'll admit it - I don't know jack about antennas.  I do know that if we
don't have something better than what comes with your commercially available
AP, we'll be broadcasting only to the pigeons that share space with the top
of Moos tower and any other tall structures that we can wiggle our way on...

Let's put it in real world terms - if a family member came to you and said,
"I think computers are a waste of time, you shouldn't be spending your life
in front of a monitor, get a real life, and oh, yeah, by the way, can you
help me install Windows XP?"  What would you say to them?