Hey Chuck (and gang)--

It's obvious to me that a number of months ago when Ben and I pitched this
project to the TC-WUG group, noone ever explained the underlaying ideas on
the mailing list. So, for those who don't show at the meetings it's easy
to get lost. (See: me.)

So -- would someone like to summarlize the base idea and goals of where
the project started? Perhaps Ben? Perhaps Steve? I apologise for leaving
the list-readers (e.g. myself) out in the cold when we began the project.
It must be mighty confusing (See: Chuck) for people who are reading the
project activities half way into the project. Again, my sincerest
apologies for all the confusion.

---Matthew Genelin---
President, Gopher Amateur Radio Club
at The University of Minnesota

> Thanks for your lengthy reply.  That clarifies much, but also indicates
> the exact problems I was trying to inquire about.  I, and probably most
> in TCWUG, still have no idea what "availability" we will get, if any or
> anything.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: mgenelin at ieee.umn.edu [mailto:mgenelin at ieee.umn.edu]
>> Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 2:51 PM
>> > I don't think we're "5x9" yet: you don't seem to understand
>> > "requirements" or "qualifications" for a multi-site community net as
>> TCWUG folk have described it:
>> When Ben and I approached the group, TC-WUG didn't know what
>> they wanted to do either. (Perhaps this is still the case?) Some
>> members argued for
>> hot sport deployment. Others wanted free internet access, and
>> didn't care
>> how they got it. Others wanted to setup a backbone. Finally, Ben and I
>> wanted to see TC-WUG doing something real, rather then just
>> blathering on
>> an internet email list. =)
> Given the directional chaos in TCWUG, you and Ben have done a truly
> excellent job.
> However..
>> So, here we are. Ben has done some great work in pushing this project
>> through both the ham and TC-WUG clubs. Perhaps I need to re-state the
>> goal(s) here:
>> 1. The ham club wants to use this as a promotional tool.
> Noble goal, but not a TCWUG goal.
>>    We thought that by
>> partnering with
>> the TC-WUG we could give TC-WUG a project to do.
> TCWUG is not able to "partner" yet, and I don't think the HAM club has
> presented a written partnership proposal to deal with ownership,
> bandwidth control, and voting issues.
>> This is a
>> _direction_ to
>> head in for TC-WUG, and not the only thing that TC-WUG can be
>> doing. (I
>> hope that there are plenty of other projects going on in
>> TC-WUG land right
>> now!)
> I doubt that TCWUG has any project you don't see here, so yours is it
> for now.
>> The ham club only has one goal in mind: To recruit
>> students to our
>> club.
> Making HAMS probably is not a goal for TCWUG folk.
>> If students want to join TC-WUG, that's awesome too. By
>> joining both
>> clubs together we can create an awesome project for both to do.
> Problem: TCWUGs who are not UMN folk probably can't join that HAM group
> or have any say so in it, however.
>> 2. The original goal of the project was to do point-to-point
>> linking from
>> Moos Tower. The idea was to have coverage in the various
>> communities on
>> the east bank campus: Dinkeytown, Stadium Village and the Superblock
>> areas. This way, students who live off-campus can join the
>> ham club and
>> use the wireless bridge.
> Where would that leave TCWUG folk in competing for bandwidth utilization
> and allocation?  Doesn't sound like a winner for TCWUG.
> Joining is required for use?  How would TCWUG folk "join" something?
> Note: the Alumni Association (UMAA) no longer permits non-UMN members as
> "friends of the U" as they once did, and some may not have graduated yet
> either.
>> While Ben and I work out the technical and legal details of the
>> equipment,
> the goal may change, but the original goal
>> stays the same.
> I'd bet there's LOTS more than just legalities of equipment in order to
> connect and share the UMN data and net access you mentioned.  Not real
> clear that you and Ben are looking at enough of the issues in your goals
> yet.
>> 3. We wanted to give TC-WUG a direction to head in. It seemed
>> to me that
>> in recent months (April 2002 - July 2002) the TC-WUG mailing
>> list turned
>> into an "email etiquette" course more then a wireless
>> discussion group. We
>> wanted to excite the minds of the bright people on the list
>> that are into
>> wireless and RF technologies.
> Again a noble goal, but providing a means for students to access the
> campus isn't a link bandwidth utilization objective for TCWUGs who can't
> use it at all.
> FYI, I quit the UMAA internet ISP service last year after many years
> because of the poor bandwidth availability that actual members got.
>> > a) The UMN HAM club has done QSL cards and field days for a
>> long time,
>> but probably has never allowed non-members a voice..
>> Huh? Those seem like fighting words there, Chuck.
> Think first:  My original words were more complete and clear: the HAM
> club hasn't yet begun to permit actual non-UMN-member participation, and
> hasn't yet begun to own and manage off-site equipment, so the HAM club
> has less relevant history for a community WiFi project than TCWUG does.
> My point was that QSLs and such are probably the only elements of
> history that the HAM club has that go back to 1919 or whenever.  Your 2
> meter repeater stuff doesn't go that far, your transistor usage doesn't
> go that far, and WiFi doesn't go that far.  The HAM club hasn't begun
> the things I'd expect to be necessary for a real project with TCWUG yet.
>  Using TCWUG excitement and volunteers to get a UMN student facility may
> not be the best TCWUG partnership, but may be entertaining for some for
> now.
>> Correct, this is the first time that the ham club has setup an 802.11b
>> wireless network of any kind. But it's not the first time that we have
>> experimented with new digital modes.
> Understood: HAM clubs always experiment.  My comment was directed at
> LONG TERM installations off-campus, not short-term experimental ones and
> not the on-campus ones.
>> We actively
>> work with the Minnesota Repeater Council, another ham group
>> in town and a
>> favorite part of the hobby for me.
> THAT's what TCWUG should develop partnership with!  That's what the
> Gopher Club can help with!  WiFi that the MRC could support fully is
> what TCWUG would be interested in.. .  That probably would require HAM
> licensing for some aspects of participation in an MRC WiFi net, but I
> doubt that MRC would be doing much that only UMN students could use.
>> Many of our members are
>> involved with
>> other ham clubs...
> Good!  That's where the GARC role as TCWUG partner can be most
> productive, IMHO.  Available bandwidth on Moos would be nice too!
>> So -- we _do_ have experience working with other groups and
>> have had a lot
>> of fun working on projects and volunteering for activities
>> with and for
>> other people.
> I'm sure of that, but..   Nothing written, nothing permanent for
> OFF-CAMPUS = near or at zero for that kind of thing.
> . "Could [we] be open to a peer-level TC-WUG
>> partnership and
>> Wi-Fi"? I believe *we* approached *you*. As a matter of fact, I *know*
>> that *we* approached *you* since I was there pitching this to
>> the group
>> with Ben a few months ago.
> No: I heard words and see more words written, but have yet to see the
> Gopher Club actually write or DO something that amounts to sharing
> equipment and bandwidth in a real way with TCWUG.  What you outline
> seems like GARC holding out its hand for donations from us and for GARC
> purposes alone: GARC hasn't put in writing yet just what TCWUG might get
> by donating time and equipment to GARC.
>> > d) the UMN HAM club alumni and board doesn't seem to have TCWUG's
>> interests as top priorities... only a few people there do.
>> Huh? I didn't know that the Gopher Amateur Radio Club had a "board".
>> Perhaps this is something I'll have to chat with the rest of the gang
>> about. You'd think I would know about a "board" being the
>> president of the
>> Gopher Amateur Radio Club. =)
> If GARC is a real non-profit thing, it has legal and other
> accountabilities to UMN and to the state of MN and to IRS.  Otherwise,
> it's wholly owned by UMN, and under UMN insurance, etc.  In either case,
> there's an official governing body and reporting of annual finances
> under some set of laws.  As Pres, you should know when or how (or
> whether) GARC is legal.  How to make a long-term agreement would be
> described in those top-level and next level legal papers (Articles of
> Inc and ByLaws - or equiv).
>> Since you have elevated yourself to be the email spokesperson
>> for TC-WUG...
> Speaking out of curiosity and constructive intent ONLY.  Knowledgeable
> but NOT "elevating".
> The web site needs some FAQs or equiv.  I would help with that if asked
> by the leaders.
>> what exactly _are_ the "TC-WUG's interests"?
> No idea.  Only looking to see what's visible here, whatever it may be.
> If it becomes a real group with a stated mission, I might be interested
> or might not.  Depends on what the mission may be.  So far it's just a
> rag-tag online technical forum and that's OK.   We should recognize when
> or whether or how it becomes more.
>> If the only interests are "I
>> want free internet access" I think you are hanging out with the wrong
>> group. =)
> We're no more sure what kind of access or availability that hanging out
> with GARC will get for non-members either  :-)
>> "Clearly presented" must mean that Chuck wants something in writing.
>> Perhaps we can discuss "writing things down" at the next
>> TC-WUG meeting,
>> if everyone really wants to get all-formal-like-that-and-stuff.
> Right in the following sense  :-)
>   A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on.
> -Samuel
> Goldwyn
> (note that GARC may not be legally able to execute written agreements
> with off-campus groups!)
> Regards, and thanks much for helping to clarify!  This clarifying effort
> should help GARC also.
> What you and Ben want to do may not be legally possible for GARC to do
> with any TCWUG access.
> Chuck