sorry for the delay, here are the meeting notes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- we followed the agenda pretty closely so i'm going to insert the notes inline with the agenda items. * introductions / misc. administravia we had a good turnout for this meeting. several new faces were in attendance as well as most of the regulars. couple of points to note for future meetings. - we're researching the options available for creating a legal entity for the group in the form of a non/not-for profit entity. this looks to be a pretty straightforward endeavor but there are some nuances which we may want to make ourselves aware of. mike creglow has volunteered/been coaxed into researching the options available to the group and the relative merits therein. - based on a poll of little / no scientific value there seems to be a fair amount of interest in having a topical presentation at the beginning of our meeting to provide some more information on topics of general interest to the group. matt's presentation at the meeting was the first of these. andy warner has graciously volunteered to do a radio technology primer for october's meeting. - we're still activly soliciting input for future sessions like these. if you have an interest in topic that you think would make for a good presentation along these lines please speak up. some of the topics we're looking at are listed below - antenna design and comparison of application and the relative merits of the main antenna types. - tools for doing antenna design - discussions on outdoor router design * technical presentation - kismet - matt hallacy did a deep dive on kismet and how to make it work. advice on configuration and the relative merits of kismet vs. other wireless auditing tools was provided as well as a demonstration of the various features and potential pitfalls of building and configuring kismet. these meeting notes are not the place to describe all that was covered but i understand that matt is working on a tutorial and additional information discussing much of this for putting online. matt has also published his maps online [1] for folks to peruse. perusal is encouraged. i'm sure matt will let us know when he's got the documentation online. * discussion and planning for the moos tower survey. - ben kochie and andy warner led a discussion and facilitated the planning of the moos tower survey (taking place today). interested parties should contact ben or andy if they want more information or want to help out. - further discussion was had regarding what other locations we might be able to find in order to create a backbone. folks are encouraged to keep on the lookout for locations which might be good candidates for the placement of nodes. items for our next meeting -------------------------- - review the results of the moos tower survey and discuss any other locations which might have been discovered. - there was a lot of additional detail which was discussed which these meeting notes will never be able to elicit. the suggestion was made to record the meetings to insure that folks can catch up on what was discussed. to that end arragements have been made to record subsequent meetings. we hope to get these online for folks to download. -- steve ulrich sulrich at PGP: 8D0B 0EE9 E700 A6CF ABA7 AE5F 4FD4 07C9 133B FAFC