
Here¹s the latest from last night¹s meeting:

Loring Park:
We talked about the Loring Park project. MCTC is on board to provide roof
space and electrical power to run a satellite to site cover the north-east
end of the park. The good folks from MCTC, Neal, Andrew, Leif and and I made
a  visit to the roof of MCTC to pick out possible places to mount our
equipment, and here are several great possibilities. Once we assemble the
required gear (see below for my plea for parts), we will meet with the MCTC
facilities people to decide which works best for everyone.

Call for Parts:
We¹re looking for some components to further the Loring park project: an
omni antenna and  an access point. If you¹ve got an extra of either of these
available for extended loan or to donate, or are interested in sponsoring
the purchase of same, let me know! Think of it: you¹ll be sitting in the
park, surfing the web, knowing you are a vital part of the operation. That¹s
not radiation, that¹s the warm feeling of a good deed done.

Andrew been working on literature that could be distributed to the public
that talks about wireless, TCWUG, and generally encourages people to get
involved and set up hotspots. A question at the meeting was: by using
netstumbler, or just turning on your wi-fi card, you/we can see networks and
tell if they¹re open or not. Also, it¹s not to hard to narrow the location
down to a small area. Here¹s the problem: how can we contact the person
running the hotspot, and either get them to list themselves as a public
hotspot or help them secure their network, without, for lack of a better
phrase, creeping them out totally? I¹m going to post this to the list as a
separate piece, as I think outreach is pretty important, and I¹d like to get
some other views.

Future Updates:
Jeff Lehman is going to be posting updates in the future, so expect them
with more regularity than I have been able to achieve. Thanks to Jeff, for
taking on the task.

General Talking:
We had some new faces at the meeting, and we spent some time in a general
discussion about Wireless 101. FYI, for anyone who hasn¹t checked out
tcwug.org lately, there¹s FAQ¹s are great and cover a lot.

Next Meeting:
The second Tuesday of September, 9/9, same time (6:00-8:00), same place
(Freight House Dunn Bro¹s).

As to the location of the meetings, I¹m open to having them at other places.
The only requirements: free wi-fi, space for 15-20 people, and the
availability of some kind of refreshments. Any suggestions, post to the list
or let me know. 

Questions? Yearning to know more about another subject? Aching to be more
involved? Post to the list or contact me directly.

See everyone next month.


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