On 7/7/03 10:30 PM, "Andrew Zimmer" <andrew at azimmer.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> Well I spent about an hour in Loring Park tonight walking around looking
> for TCWUG but I couldn't find it.  Where does the Loring Park AP stand?
> I did get an ESSID of "no ssid" with kismet.  Maybe a problem with the
> AP tonight between 4:10 and 5:15?  It was on channel 6 so I do not think
> it is TCWUG's.  I picked up 3 AP's in the park using channel 6.

Ack! Not channel 6. That's the default setting for most Aps.

My previous survey indicated channel 2.
> This brings up a good point as to what do we do if there is a problem.
> I'm game to do some running to locations to troubleshoot and get the
> AP's back up if needed but I/we need access to such locations.

I'd volunteer for that, since I'm right off the park.

> It would
> be nice if we could get access to remotely administer problems.  A TCWUG
> admin id and ssh.

Agreed. That would be a job for an administrator.

Job titles?
Site Administrator

For starters.


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tcwug-list at tcwug.org