On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 04:32:10PM -0500, Ben Kochie wrote:
> I am trying to put together a group order to demarchtech.com, in hopes of
> getting some discounting.
> My current list of parts I want to get are:
> DT-ZM-200mW-WC (200mw prism 2.5 card) 10 Pack	$1282.00
> DT-CA-RPMMCX-NFB (pigtail for cards) 10 Pack	$ 179.50

Have you looked at the 200mW senaeo cards? 


they're $99 each on sale, not sure about bulk (cheaper
alone than demarc in quantity)


Apparently they can actually push 250mW

http://aberinfo.goos.com/index.shtml $66 individual,
$76 for 2+ (???)

These are also 200mw:


without an exterrnal antenna connector, for $24.95
each, seem to be prism2 since it mentions linux drivers.


100mw, ext antenna ports, $39.95, unsure about chipset.

> -ben
>  "Unix is user friendly, Its just picky about its friends."

Matthew S. Hallacy                            FUBAR, LART, BOFH Certified
http://www.poptix.net                           GPG public key 0x01938203

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