<TITLE>Re: [TCWUG] Wireless Bridge, Passive Relay</TITLE>
If it's for your work, I'd think you should seriously consider getting a path loss analysis done, professionally if you can. Designing a data communications link by what it appears to be a brute force method is a hell of a way to take a chance with business (read: potentially critical) data. It may work, it may not, it may work, maybe. Sometimes. Are you willing to take that chance?<BR>
Since you are in what is a environmentally dense metropolitan area, calculating a simple line-of-site path is just the beginning of your calculations There are many more factors involved.<BR>
Neal: nkras@nkras.dsl.visi.com<BR>
From: "Joel R. Helgeson" <joel@helgeson.com><BR>
To: <tcwug-list@tcwug.org><BR>
Subject: [TCWUG] Wireless Bridge, Passive Relay<BR>
Date: Tue, Sep 17, 2002, 7:36 AM<BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE="2">I have a design question for a project that I am working on for my work. I would like to run it past my friends here in the TCWUG to see if you can see any flaws in my thinking or my design. Any feedback will be valuable.</FONT> <BR>