[crossfire] Love and marriage, love and marriage...

Logan Tygart thelogan at allyourbase-arebelongto.us
Tue Oct 18 18:04:41 CDT 2005

On Tue, 2005-10-18 at 18:35 -0400, Joshua Wilson wrote:
      Using your logic we are also encouraging tossing alchemy, demon worship, 
        killing people to get things they are carrying , etc..
      At some point we have to draw the line and say it's simply a game.
      Games model certain aspects of real life (and if marriage is one of them 
      so be it) and completely disregard other aspects (when was the last time 
      you saw killed someone with a fireball?)
     Precisely, so why bother coding something that is a human response?  If
people want to get married, let them do so by announcing it to the local
town.  Maybe on a bulletin board in the town hall, as a suggestion.  No
need to hard wire marriage into server code.

Just my opinion,

Logan (Symbiote on metalforge server)
Did you know the word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary?
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