[crossfire] Re: New movement code.

Brendan Lally brenlally at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 20:19:25 CDT 2005

On 10/20/05, Todd Mitchell <
     temitchell at sympatico.ca
     > wrote:
      A quick summary of ideas I have:
      very high mountains (mountain_5) remains blocked
      high mountains (mountain_4) require 'climbing' or 'flying' movement type
      to pass
On a related note, whilst all these tiles need updating, flattening
the tiles a little may be worthwhile (mountains 1 and 2 become hills,
hills become flat ground) - currently the world map is very
mountainous, flattening it would aid movement.

      rivers remain blocked (how to explain this re flying?)
with reference to back to the future - hoverboards don't work over water.

      *most* wall types and doors remain blocked
      Wasteland remains blocked (or becomes like swamp?) except to flying
That will break the team arena.

Also, since it is being changed anyway, how about altering its name to
'volcanic plain' or something similar? Wasteland sounds like something
that should be traversible.

      shallow sea requires a 'swimming' or 'sailing'  or 'flying' movement type
      sea and deep sea require a 'sailing' or 'flying' movement type
or a submarine movement type, which should also work on icebergs and
sea ice. (not as anacronistic as might be supposed, the first
submarines were in the early 17th century).

      new types of jungle and woods require a 'woodlands' or 'flying' movement
Also, roads and tracks should allow carriages to pass and roads,
tracks and grass should allow horses to pass. (these don't exist yet,
but should).

further in the future....
Desert should allow camels to pass (if there ever is a large enough
desert to make that worthwhile).

Tundra and glacier should be passable to husky sled.

      flying has limits on range
but you also said.... "sea and deep sea require a 'sailing' or
'flying' movement type"

so if a player flies out over deep sea and lands, what happens? do
they insta-death?

      swimming has a drowning behaviour (like swamp)?
      climbing has a falling behaviour (like swamp)?

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