[crossfire] Improved post office idea

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Fri Sep 30 15:07:37 CDT 2005

Ok, just committed improved post office :)

How to use it:
* when talking to Colette, the post office employee, you can now say
"bag", "package", "carton" followed by the name of another player
* this creates a post office bag, costing 5 / 50 / 200 platinum and
containing maximum 5 / 50 / 100 kg
* fill in the bag, then say to Colette "send <player name>" to send
packages to that player
* to collect your items, just say "receive" to Colette
* note that you won't have any warning of waiting packages - better warn
the recipient through regular mail too!
* items are not (yet) lost during transport, use at will :)
* package is, for now, a regular sack with special name - maybe later
specific pics/archetypes :)

Also I fixed the mailscroll price, which was 5 silver instead of 5 platinum.

     From a technical point of view:
     * sent items are stored on map /planes/IPO_storage. It's a 5x5 map with
the (2, 2) floor unique. Pretty basic map
* when sending item, player's inventory is checked for "package" items,
and those get teleporter to the map if name matches
* to receive item, script parses items at (/planes/IPO_storage, 2, 2),
and get the ones for the player.
* prices and names can be changed in the script, just look, shouldn't be
hard to figure.

Pretty basic but should work :)

Warning: when upgrading map, also upgrade the code, as i needed to add
'SetWeightLimit' function. If maps are upgraded without code, well,
player will be able to pay for their package, but they won't get it ^_-
Not critical, just annoying I guess.



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