The following is what I've got in my .muttrc.  It works to connect me
to the IMAP server when mutt starts up.  I got the info to set this up
somewhere off the site.  stanlee is my username, webmail is
the name of the IMAP server and /vol.mail/stanlee/Archives is where I
archive my mail on webmail.

set spoolfile="{webmail}INBOX"
set imap_user="stanlee"
set imap_home_namespace="{webmail}/vol.mail/stanlee/Archives"
set folder="{webmail}/vol.mail/stanlee/Archives"



On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 10:29:35AM -0000, Joseph Key wrote:
> mutt will do IMAP. 
> My question is how do you get mutt to start with the IMAP server selected 
> instead of the local mail file. When I start mutt I need to change to the 
> IMAP server to get my mail correctly.