On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 10:29:35AM -0000, Joseph Key (jkey at tomobiki.dyndns.org) wrote:
> "Austad, Jay" <austad at marketwatch.com> said:
> > On almost the same note, does anyone know of a console email app that does
> > IMAP without the use of fetchmail?  I want one that only grabs the headers,
> > and then only retreives the whole message when I select it.
> > 
> mutt will do IMAP. 
> My question is how do you get mutt to start with the IMAP server selected 
> instead of the local mail file. When I start mutt I need to change to the 
> IMAP server to get my mail correctly.

in your muttrc, add:

set spoolfile={username at mailserver.domain.com}INBOX

...substituting whatever you normally type to change to your IMAP server
for the spoolfile value.

Amy Tanner
amy at real-time.com