On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 Chad C. Walstrom wrote:
> Regardless, I'm playing around with scoring in procmail.  I'll soon have
> a working ruleset for Mail/tclug/list/2001-12/hall-of-shame/.  I'll also
> be experimenting with adding X-Procmail-Score: headers to all emails I
> receive. Something to quote with. ;-)  Perhaps we should write up a
> Netiquette Hall of Shame scoreboard for www.mn-linux.org ;-)

Maybe, in addition to the netiquette hall of shame, we should add a list
of netiquette weenies.  Or maybe netiquette bastards?  Netiquette twits?

This so-called netiquette discussion is sure starting to burn up a lot of
my time.  I hope it ends soon.  Some of it seems more like antisocial
behavior than netiquette to me.
