Jim Streit wrote:
> On local machine I would;
>   cat newdata >> maindatafile
>   or
>   echo "This is the new data" >> maindatafile
> and something like this for the remote machine;
>   cat newdata >> remote_machine:/file/location/maindatafile
>   or
>   echo "This is the new data" >>remote_machine:/file/location/maindatafile
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks

An interesting way to do it would be to put a cvs repository on the 
remote box.  set up a cvs pserver listening on localhost only.  set up a 
stunnel (which could be ip wrapped to restrict access) to the pserver. 
Then just checkout the file, append to it, check in the file and use 
cvs's run script on check in option to export to the correct directory. 
   Nice thing about this is it lets you track changes and revert to 
older copies if necessary.

Or if you have an apache server on the remote box you could post the 
file to a cgi (or better yet just the changes).  Or you could use 
web-dav with apache.

Or you could write a little client/server app (scat/scatd or sapp/sappd) 
that lets you append to a remote file securely (hmmm, I'd check 
freshmeat on this one).

hmmm I think someone wrote an ftpfs, so if you had an ftp server on the 
remote you could mount it over ftp and edit the file.  I know kde lets 
you edit ftp files like they were local, but I don't think they are 
mounting, I think they are just hiding the fetch/store.

which leads to a perl/expect script that ftps the file, mods it, ftps it 
back which would be similar to what you started with (only less secure, 
unless you used ssh's sftp option)

Sorry for all this, I can see my perl affliction is affecting my brain :)


Ooh just thought of another one, syslog it over there.  set the syslog 
on the remote to allow net logging and have a local program syslog the 
data to the remote box.