On Sat, Dec 31, 2005 at 12:59:45AM -0600, Bob Hartmann wrote:
> Thanks for the tip.  drupal looks very cool.  I may use it instead of 
> TWiki for my current project.  The Onion uses it, so..  Apologies to 
> Raymond for changing the subject.  It was an accident!   I still can't 
> answer your question.

I just have to respond when twiki is mentioned.   I think someone
recommended it a few messages ago (deleted already).  As a user and
admin who is stuck on twiki, I have a few criticisms.  

The way I see it is thus: twiki was one of if not the first wiki
implimentation.  That's great, way to be a leader.  However, strike one,
it's perl.  Strike two, it's complicated to install, set up, and use
compared to modern wikis.  Strike three, it's syntax is horrid.  Wiki's
have come a long way.  Don't make the mistake of going wiht twiki if
you're doing a fresh wiki install today.

I'm glad you found drupal and like it.  drupal and wiki's solve
different problems (we run both at work internally *sigh*).  For wikis,
i recommend mediawiki (think: wikipedia) and dokuwiki (not much
experience but I hear good things).
