> Apologies to > Raymond for changing the subject. It was an accident! I still can't > answer your question. Yeah Bob, what's the deal:) Actually, I have combed many forums, but have not found an answer yet. Here is a more detailed description of the problem that may help someone help me: ( By the way, we have used webgui for years, and love it!) I am trying to install webgui on a new centos install, Apache is httpd-2.0.52-19.ent.centos4, and mod_perl is mod_perl-1.99_16-4.centos4 Apache starts fine, without errors, until I edit perl.conf, by adding the following: <Files ~ "\.(pl)$"> SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry PerlOptions +ParseHeaders </Files> PerlRequire /data/WebGUI/sbin/preload.perl This causes the following error from CGI.pm: Can't locate object method "register_cleanup" via package "Apache::RequestRec" at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/CGI.pm line 356. Apache::Request looks to come from libapreq-1.33. When I attempt to install it I get the following: perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install mod_perl 1.x ( < 1.99) is required at Makefile.PL line 34. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 36 Another forum recomended using Apache::Cookie, but It complains about the same thing. Any ideas how to fix this?