when last we saw our hero (Wednesday, May 08, 2002), 
 Andy Warner was madly tapping out:
{snipped - misc previous correspondence}

> 1. A metro-wide network, capable of moving bits independant of existing
> wired networks.
> The goal is to create a stand-alone, free, network capable of moving
> large numbers of bits around the Twin Cities; including areas where
> broad-band is not a viable option.
> This network may host services such as ftp servers, gaming servers, etc
> etc.
> 2. Coordinated hot-spot deployment.
> The goal is to provide wireless Internet access throughout the Twin
> Cities. Upstream connection from the hot-spot to the Internet may be
> wired or wireless. Provide a common authentication interface, and
> standardised client configs.
> Can we get a roll-call of people interested in contributing
> time, know-how, bandwidth, enthusiasm, <whatever> to groups
> working towards each goal ?
> If people want to answer to the list, or to me unicast, I'll
> tabulate the replies. Then each group can go about (re)defining
> and attacking their problem as they see fit. I'd like to see
> as much content as possible stay on this list, just so everyone
> can learn, and so we don't make little ivory towers.
> I'll kick things off by saying that I would like to play in sandbox #2
> to begin with.

while i think that in the long run - door #1 is a bit more interesting
(read: challenging) to me from an engineering perspective.  i think that
option #2 is the low hanging fruit that people with a diverse range of
skillsets can actively participate in. 

i'm happy to lend energies to either of the above projects, however i
think that we'll see the greatest satisfaction from door #2 more
immediately and we'll have an excuse to move to door #1 down the line. 

{snipped - .signatures ...}

steve ulrich                       sulrich at botwerks.org
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